Pietro Giuffrida


Pietro Giuffrida (Vicenza 1982) ha lavorato dal 2006 presso diverse aziende svolgendo attività quali: gestione della tracciabilità, calcolo del costo industriale e del prezzo medio, programmazione di report scheudlizzati per la valutazione dell'andamento aziendale. I principali strumenti utilizzati nel corso dell'esperienza lavorativa sono python, SQL (vari dialetti), excel, oltre ai vari software più comuni. Buon conoscitore di Debian GNU-Linux, sviluppa applicazioni di vario genere orientate al trattamento dati come attività preliminare al decision making. Nel 2014 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in filosofia.


Paolo Verdini


Paolo Verdini graduated with honours in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Italy, where he also earned a Master's Degree in Philosophy, mainly dedicated to Mathematical Logic. His academic interests span from Model Theory to Applied Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, and he is also extremely fascinated by the potential residing in the developments of the semantic web and the implementation of natural language in a syntax­oriented environment (e.g. Speech recognition). A research proposal in Abstract Model Theory has recently granted him a full doctoral scholarship for studying at the Center for Logic, Language and Computation at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has worked as Teacher of Italian Language (both in Italy and abroad), and he is currently Blog Editor and Electronic Entertainment Journalist at GameStop.it s.r.l., the Italian branch of GameStop Corp. He is also proficient in six different languages (including Mandarin and Japanese) and holds a Master Diploma in Storytelling and Creative Writing, obtained from Alessandro Baricco's Scuola Holden, placed in Turin, Italy


Fabio Santullo


Fabio Santullo holds a Bachelor degree in historical sciences from University of Pisa (2009) with a thesis entitled " A year of baptisms in Pisa 1557 " actively contributing to the project web "The baptisms of Pisa from 1457 to 1557" and in the same University holds Master degree in the history and civilization(2013) with a thesis entitled "The first Jesuit missionaries in Japan and the first Japanese embassy in Italy”. After some work experience in the world of teaching and administration both private and public, he decided to attend the master in Big Data and Social Mining to expand their knowledge in the world of Big Data.


Mario Massimo Mazzarella


Mario Massimo Mazzarella, born in Rome on 29.09.1982. Master's degree in mathematics at Sapienza University of Rome, with a  thesis in data's sequence analysis “Similarity between texts with Burrows-Wheeler Transform”, and Erasmus at Royal Holloway University of London. Agesci chief scout from 2003 to 2007. Language: English, PET Certification. Programming language: C, C++, Python, SPARK, JavaScript, Matlab. 


Ludovico Mannheimer


Born in Milan on 20/01/1983, living in Milan. After a master degree in Social Sciences at the University of Milan he has his first experience in the world of data with working as junior researcher at Ipsos-MORI, in London. Once back in Italy, he started working at ISPO Ricerche as quantitative researcher, following opinion research projects in different areas, from culture to finance, becoming, in 2011, Head of the digital division, ISPO Click. Today, he is focused primarily on online research, taking care of all process: from the design and definition of the objectives to the data analysis and report production. He decided to attend the Master in Big Data Analysis and Data Mining because he believes the future of data analysis is the merging of traditional opinion polls with big data analysis, and will be increasingly necessary to master them both.


Michele Lupo


Born in Rome on 27/09/1986. He holds a master's degree in philosophy with full marks in 2014. He started working as a journalist in 2010, coming to write for various newspapers and hold the role of managing editor. From January 2013 has joined the Italian Order of Journalists. He attended two training courses on linked open data and the semantic web, which gave him the opportunity to learn the representation with the description logic of a domain of knowledge in the form of ontology with language rdf / owl. The passion for informatics and interest in the tools of statistical analysis, fundamental to the social and scientific disciplines, led him to choose this master.


Francesco Innocenti


Francesco Innocenti, great central midfielder, he graduated in Statistical Sciences in 2003. In the same year he began working as researcher at the Regional Agency for Public Health of Tuscany.
Deals with issues related to the epidemiology, from lifestyles, mainly driving and traffic accidents, to the emergency-urgency, revealing a passion for analyzing large database. From 2009 to 2012 he was consultant at “Health search” where he worked on some European projects regarding drugs studies.


Francesco Giglio


Born in Messina, Italy, in 06/11/1984, Francesco Giglio is graduated in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Engineering (LM-27) at the Mediterranea University (2014). From march 2012 is actuator of the project Social Innovation PON04a3_00227 and member of board of directions;  during 2014 he becomes consult as Processing System Specialist inside the Cloud Medical Solution. Dr. Francesco Giglio, in 2015, obtains the certification as Project Manager (n. 4614) from ISIPM; in 2010 the qualification as photovoltaic system installer and designer from IRAPS and during the same year he was qualified at the rule of insurance adjuster (art. 157 del DLgs 7/09/2005 n.209). In 2008 he obtains the ECDL certification from AICA and the Cisco CCNA certification at the Messina University. Italian is his first language, the second one is English and The City&Giuld certificated a B1 level. He has a flair for problem solving (bottom-up) and project planning. His hobbies are chess, mountain bike and sailing.


Tommaso Ferrari Aggradi

Ferrari Aggradi

Tommaso Ferrari Aggradi graduates in Marketing in Florence in 2012 with a thesis on new business models applied to the Net, arisen thanks to the development of a participatory web, with a focus on the topic of crowdsourcing. During his studies he begins a series of work experience that will lead him to know different business realities, by industry sector, size and corporate culture. He deals with institutional marketing and product communication for a Web Agency of Florence. He do a brief experience as Junior Export Manager in a historic crafted shoe factory in the heart of Tuscany. He observes from within the deep crisis crossed by publishing industry, working in the circulation office of the main Florence's newspaper. The explosion of digital technology and the pervasiveness of data, both in marketing as in business in general, bring him to attend an online master in Digital Marketing in 2014, before moving to the master in Big Data Analytics.


Daniele Fadda


Daniele Fadda, born in Milan on 10.05.81. He graduated at Density Design LAB at the School of Design - Politecnico di Milano. He is now a freelance designer coordinating projects about promotion and territorial storytelling for the municipality of Pisa and Città della Pieve (PG). He worked on the visual representation of complex systems, data visualization, especially regarding the transport infrastructures and he collaborated with several architects as communication consultant. In the spare time, he works as graphic designer for the monthly press Seconda Cronaca.



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