Pizzardo Michele


Born in Rovigo in 1992, I obtained the Master’s degree in Physics at the University of Padua, with honors. I have discussed a thesis in Cosmology, combinig the theoretical and the computational aspects of this discipline to develop and prove the potentialities of a linear response function dealing with the non-linear effects acting on the evolution of the large-scale structure of the Universe at the baryon acoustic oscillations scales. I have always been attracted by the capability of data to reveal enlightening information if appropriately handled, leading to the solution of complex problems regarding different areas, from the business to the social and political ones, so I am attending this course to complete my formation, in order to acquire the knowledge needed to immerse myself in the Data Science world, to make of it the core of my future working activity.


Caprasecca Stefano


I was born in Rome but have been living in Florence for many years. I have a MSc in theoretical and computational Chemistry (Rome) and a PhD in Physics (UK). I am a research fellow at the Dept. of Chemistry at the University of Pisa, where I study the physical processes taking place in photosynthesis, using computational models. I have authored 25 scientific articles and have developed and implemented models of computational Chemistry. Lately I have got into Machine Learning, which I am currently employing to predict chemical properties of molecules.


Distefano Alessandro


Born in Catania in 1986, Alessandro has a great passion for Computer Science and technology. He graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering Master's Degree at the University of Catania. Since 2010 he has worked as IT consultant for behalf of italian and international companies and startups. In 2015 he co-founded the startup WakaPic: an advanced photo manager that uses AI and cloud systems to catalog big photographic archives, with the aim to provide the user a smart-search experience based on: automatic and customized tag functions of their photos, natural language interaction, emotional classification. His main interests are: Cloud, Distributed Systems, AI and Big Data.


Licari Daniele


After the Computer Science MS Degree, he hold a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) in 2014. His doctoral thesis has been focused on the designing and building of an cyberinfrastructure to analyze quantum-chemical results, increase researchers’ productivity, and improve the sharing and enrichment of heterogeneous data, in order to encourage research scientists to engage in cross-disciplinary activities with a focus on Molecular Science and Virtual Heritage fields. He worked as a PostDoc at the Scuola Normale Superiore (2014-2017), his research involved the development of a user-friendly environment for fully exploiting state-of-the-art computational packages for simulating molecular spectra in a wide range of frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, by converting raw data into easily interpretable spectra and providing a complete set of functionalities to collect and analyze them. I am currently a PostDoc at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa.


Centonze Matteo


Born in Aosta in 1991, in 2015 he obtained a Master’s Degree in Physics of Complex Systems at the Univerisity of Turin. He developed a thesis in computational biology, studying the distribution of some functional genomic elements along the human genome. Shortly after the graduation, he started working as a patent analyst at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, where he could gain experience in areas like the patentability of inventions, intellectual property and technology transfer. He decided to attend the Master in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining to reinforce and improve his knowledge in the fields of computer science and data analysis.


Mattera Simone


Born and raised in Siena. I completed my Master’s degree cum laude in Computer and Automation Engineering from the University of Siena in 2016, combined with one year at the Radboud University of Nijmegen (NL) studying Artificial Intelligence as an Erasmus postgraduate. After defending my thesis, a research done at IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada in Rio de Janeiro (BR) titled “Evolutionary game models for brain connectivity”, I started working in Turin as a software developer for industrial robots. Here my interest in the data analysis got started, as I furthermore joined a project regarding predictive maintenance for industrial machinery. I eventually applied to the Master in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining to broaden my knowledge of the Data Science, seeking to get an across the board picture of its large variety of purposes.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/s-mattera/


Costanzo Luca


My name is Luca Costanzo and I live in Prato. I have earned a master's degree in Matter Physics from University of Florence and then a PhD at the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS). Currently I'm a post-doc at the National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR).


Magnolo Marco


Born on Aug 17th 1985 in Lecce (Le), I live in Pesaro (PU). I obtained the high school diploma in 2004 and I attended the Italian Army Military Academy in Modena and Torino from 2004 to 2009, where I graduated in "Scienze Strategiche". In 2009 I have been assigned to the Italian Army 28° "Pavia" Regiment stationed in Pesaro (PU).


Onorati Giordano


Bachelor's Degree in Physics, Master's Degree in Statistics for Information Systems and Master's Degree in Technological Innovation and Design for Urban Systems. During the Master's degree thesis I developed a geomarketing analysis aimed at creating a ranking of points of sale through the creation of a composite indicator able to describe the level of competitiveness. The economic potential has been evaluated in terms of purchasing capacity of the resident population in the catchment areas of each point of sale and of the specific characteristics, both of the point of sale itself and of the urban context interior of which was located. The information related to each of the territorial areas has been reconstructed based on the results of the Population Census for census sections and the type of land. Finally the registration to the Tim Big Data Challenge 2015 which gave me the opportunity to work with the data relating to the telephone cells.


Livio Stefanelli


After the laurea degree in Physics at the University of Pisa, I spent a short working period in Italy and in the United States followed by a long and interesting multidisciplinary experience abroad, mainly in Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and France. This allowed me to participate to the ESA projects (European Space Agency) as well as in the research initiatives funded by the European Commission. Later, I worked as an official at the Directorate General Research of the European Commission and recently at the Representation of the Tuscany Region in Brussels as policy officer. This experience, developed in public and private sectors, give me the opportunity to appreciate the potential of Big Data that can be expressed in almost all fields of our knowledge paving the way to new rich entrepreneurial projects and to scientific cooperation at European level.



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