
Maria Luisa Costa


Born in Trapani in 1987, when I attendend High Schools The passion to data was born and so I attended a the degree course in Statistics for Data Analysis at the University of Palermo. I continued my training with a master's degree in Statistical Sciences in 2015. After a short break in which I started a restaurant business, I decided to resume my studies by attending a Master in Big Data Analytics which allowed me to look back at data analysis and to improve my computer skills.


Kohnke Laura


She was born in Messina, and she got her Master's Degree in Literary and Non-fiction Translation with a score of 110/110 with honours in 2016. In the same year, she attended the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators (SATT) at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento, where she achieved a certification of skills in the use of the CAT tool MateCAT. She has worked as an English teacher both in private language schools and in public schools as well. She has also held the role of Italian language assistant at the Modern Languages department of Cardiff University while working as a freelance translator for Translated. In 2017 she attended a 2nd level specialization course held at the University of Pisa on Big Data & Social Mining to integrate her linguistic knowledge with innovative tools, focusing her attention on computational analysis, digital texts processing, and Machine Learning.


Distefano Alessandro


Born in Catania in 1986, Alessandro has a great passion for Computer Science and technology. He graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering Master's Degree at the University of Catania. Since 2010 he has worked as IT consultant for behalf of italian and international companies and startups. In 2015 he co-founded the startup WakaPic: an advanced photo manager that uses AI and cloud systems to catalog big photographic archives, with the aim to provide the user a smart-search experience based on: automatic and customized tag functions of their photos, natural language interaction, emotional classification. His main interests are: Cloud, Distributed Systems, AI and Big Data.


Granata Verdiana


Born in the province of Messina in 1987, she obtained a bachelor degree in Energy Engineering at the University of Palermo and a Master degree in Energy and Nuclear Engineering at the University of Bologna with a thesis on the characterization of nanofluids for the use in power transformers. In January 2018 she founded, with two of her best friends, AMV Idealab, the first innovative startup in the province of Messina that looks at smart cities and, through BOT technology, intends to promote the "smart" development of the territory. In this direction, since 2015, she is involved with the Association Smart Gioiosa.


Samantha Ajovalasit


Born in Palermo in 1987, she joined the faculty of economics at the University of Palermo for the three-year degree in Economics and Finance. In 2016 she was admitted to the Master of Science in Economics at University of Pisa, where she graduated in 2016 (110/110). She likes use computational software and as a statistical enthusiast she wants to pursue a career in data analytics for economic research purposes.


Salvatore Bellomo


Graduate of Computer Engineering at the University of Pisa where obtained both my Bachelor and Master’s degrees, and spent a year living and working in London as a Software Development Engineer. Joined the Research National Team of Pisa’s Social Sensing project in which the research activities deal with social media analysis e social media mining, social sensing, knowledge discovery, web mining e computational social science. Always looking to learn new things and enthusiastic and positive attitude when it comes to work and enjoy facing and overcoming the challenges that come with working in the IT industry.


Denys Florian Vincon


Born in Palermo in 1982 and grew up between this city and Paris. Ended up in a master in big data analytics after a path trough space and disciplines. After a beginning in engineering, he obtains a bachelor in Philosophy at the University of Palermo in 2007, then he continues with studies in history and sociology of science and technology at the EHESS of Paris. Here he later graduates in philosophy and cognitive science in 2009. In 2014 he earns a PhD in philosophy and social sciences between the EHESS of Paris and the University of Turin with a dissertation on the perception ad logical structure of images. During the PhD he is visiting student at the University of Edinburgh and visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia. He becomes interested in data science because of a growing passion for the quantitative study of social phenomena, namely in the context of information and communication technology.


Massimiliano Davì


After graduating in philosophy of knowledge and communication, Massimiliano obtained a doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University Paris 1 Phanthéon Sorbonne and the University of Palermo with his research on Wittgenstein's logic and grammar of ordinary language. Thereafter he decided, as a computer enthusiast, he thereafter enrolled in a post- graduate Master on Big Data, driven by his interest in Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. 


Francesco Giglio


Born in Messina, Italy, in 06/11/1984, Francesco Giglio is graduated in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Engineering (LM-27) at the Mediterranea University (2014). From march 2012 is actuator of the project Social Innovation PON04a3_00227 and member of board of directions;  during 2014 he becomes consult as Processing System Specialist inside the Cloud Medical Solution. Dr. Francesco Giglio, in 2015, obtains the certification as Project Manager (n. 4614) from ISIPM; in 2010 the qualification as photovoltaic system installer and designer from IRAPS and during the same year he was qualified at the rule of insurance adjuster (art. 157 del DLgs 7/09/2005 n.209). In 2008 he obtains the ECDL certification from AICA and the Cisco CCNA certification at the Messina University. Italian is his first language, the second one is English and The City&Giuld certificated a B1 level. He has a flair for problem solving (bottom-up) and project planning. His hobbies are chess, mountain bike and sailing.



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