Valerio Arnaboldi holds a PhD in Computer Engineeging from the University of Pisa and he works as a research assistant in the Ubiquitous Internet group, at the institute for informatics and telematics (IIT) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). He works in the area of the analysis and characterisation of social structures and information dissemination in Online Social Networks, and on context- and social-aware middleware solutions for Mobile Social Networking applications. During 2013 he worked as a visiting PhD student at the Social and Evolutionary Neuroscience Research Group at the University of Oxford (UK), under the supervision of Prof. Robin I.M. Dunbar. He holds a Bachelor Degree (BSc) and a Master's Degree (Msc) in Computer Science from the University of Insubria - Como and from the University of Milan, respectively. Before joining UI-IIT, he was a research assistant at the neural network laboratory of the University of Milan. He is mainly interested in social network analysis, social relationships modeling and in context- and social-based services for networking solutions on mobile platforms. He is/was involved in the organizing committees of several international conferences and workshops such as IEEE SustaInit 2012/13, IEEE SmartVehicles 2014/15, ACM MobiOpp 2012. He published several papers on international journals and conference proceedings.