
Pappalardo Luca

Born in Salerno (Italy), I earned my PhD in Computer Science at University of Pisa with the thesis "Human Mobility, Social Networks and Economic Development: a Data Science perspective". In my research, I exploit the power of Big Data to study many aspects of human behavior: the patterns of human mobility, the structure and evolution of complex networks, the patterns of success in sports, and the usage of data-driven measures of human behavior to monitor and predict the economic development of countries, cities, and territories.


Lo Duca Angelica

Angelica Lo Duca is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council of Pisa. In 2012, she received her Ph.D. in Ingegneria dell'Informazione from the University of Pisa. She received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Engineering from University of Pisa respectively in 2005 and 2007. Currently, she works at the Web Applications for the Future Internet Laboratory, in the Semantic Web and Data Visualization group.


Data Management for Business Intelligence

Big Data Technology

The module presents technologies and systems for designing, populating and querying Data Warehouse for decision support. The emphasis is on technologies and analysis of application problems by using examples and case studies. The student will acquire knowledge and skills on major technologies for Business Intelligence such as ETL (Extract, Transform and Load), Data Warehousing, Analytics SQL, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing).

Pellungrini Roberto

Born and raised in Viareggio, Tuscany, Roberto Pellungrini is a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. His main research interests concern ethical aspects related to Data Science, in particular regarding Privacy issues. Before winning the PhD scholarship, he attained a Master Degree in Business Informatics with a thesis on Assessing Privacy Risk and Quality in Human Mobility Data.


Moreo Fernández Alejandro

Alejandro Moreo Fernández received a PhD in Computer Sciences and Information Technologies from the University of Granada in 2013. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione ``A. Faedo'', which is part of the National Research Council (CNR). His research interests include deep learning and representation learning, with particular focus on imbalanced text classification, multilingual text classification, and cross-domain and cross-lingual sentiment classification.


Social Network Analysis

Big Data Mining

This course introduces students to the theories, concepts and measures of Social Network Analysis (SNA), that is aimed at characterizing the structure of large-scale Online Social Networks (OSNs). The course presents both classroom teaching to introduce theoretical concepts, and hands-on computer work to apply the theory on real large-scale datasets obtained from OSNs like Facebook and Twitter.

Comandè Giovanni

Giovanni Comandè (LLM Harvard Law School USA, Ph.D. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) is Full Professor of Private comparative law at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna where he also studied as ordinary student.


Milli Letizia

Letizia Milli holds Master Degree in Computer Science from University of Pisa, Italy graduated magna cum laude (110/110 cum laude) in 2013. 
She is currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD-Lab), a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research in Pisa.
Her research interests include data mining, quantification, diffusion of phenomena and innovation in complex networks and the Science of Success.


De Biase Luca

Laureato all’Università Bocconi di Milano, in Discipline economiche e sociali, con la votazione di 110/110 e lode. E' editor di innovazione al Sole 24 Ore e Nova24 (del quale è stato fondatore, che ha guidato dall’ottobre2005 al giugno 2011; e che ha ripreso a guidare dal luglio 2013) e della Vita Nòva, magazine per tablet. E' docente al master di comunicazione della scienza all’Università di Padova e membro del comitato scientifico del master di comunicazione della scienza alla Sissa di Trieste e del master in Big data analytics della Luiss di Roma.



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